The year 2000 is a year that is very hard to remember, since it was ten years ago and I was only six. I can vaguely recall my elementary, Delano Optional School, and my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Stepter. Yes, kindergarten was the life. I know it sounds corny, but I actually miss those naptimes, and wanting to draw pictures on the back of all your work. I was the best drawer in the class. I had a best friend, then. His name was Cameron Golden. Cameron and I would spend every ounce of our time together. I remember people thinking that we had a crush on each other, later on; we found out that we actually did. We didn’t really pay that much attention to clothes during that time, but I know my favorite movie was The Iron Giant. The memory that sticks out to me the most is my kindergarten graduation, where I was promoted to the 1st grade. I thought I was grown.
2001 rolled around and I still attended that same school. (I stayed there K-6). I stepped into my first grade classroom with my face greasy, and berets dangled from the ends of my hair. I had on my new princess Reeboks and the socks with the ruffles on them, and I was ready for school. I was glad to see that Cameron was in my class again this year. He made me feel less nervous. But, in elementary, it was easy to talk to people, so I really had nothing to worry about. I can clearly remember everybody singing the songs from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory movie, even though that movie came out way before we were even born. Who knew that six and seven year olds already knew about French kissing? Well, a boy name Darrius Hines taught me, and that is what this year’s nap time was used for. I was surprised to see Ms. Stepter as my first grade teacher, too, but she had got married and changed her name to Ms. Monger. I always liked Stepter better.

(I like how my grade matches the year I was in it.) This is the year I was in second grade, and everybody was obsessed with the movie The Ring. I think it was because it was rated R and we weren’t supposed to watch it, but I don’t know. My teacher was Ms. Baxter, and she was a hefty white lady. It was funny, because she was on a diet, and all she would eat was a raw can of tuna, two pieces of toast, and a mug of black coffee. If you would have seen the size of her, you would know that that was not going to fill her up. The current fad was Keds shoes, and everyone loved Kanye West. This year was kind of bitter sweet because this is when I first got my glasses. Of course, I had to get ridiculed, but that was just something that made me stronger. Second grade is when I finally started talking to girls. I was, and still am, a tomboy, plus I have five brothers, so boys would be the first thing I migrate to, but my best friend was a girl name Kadedra Bolden. We are, actually, still friends to this day. I also remember that I broke my right arm, falling off the jungle gym. The kids would be hanging upside down and flipping off of the bars, and the first time I ever did it, I feel, and landed on my arm. That was the first time I ever cried at school, and the first time I ever cried in front of someone other than my reflection.

I entered third grade thinking I could accomplish anything. I don’t know why, but it was like my whole outlook on life had changed. My teacher was Ms. Elzey, and I was tired of female teachers. They were all old, and treated their students like they were going through menopause every day. I think my new happy-all-the-time attitude attracted girl friends. Kadedra and I were still best friends, but she was in the other third grade class, so I needed someone to fill the void. The girl who filled that hole was Quintishia Wilson. We had a talent show that year, and every girl wanted to perform the songs from the Cheetah Girls movie. It was a Disney movie, and I knew for a fact that everyone in my elementary had seen it, even the boys who said they didn’t! I think that trend then was the girls having the braids with a lot of beads on the end of each one. When I was in third grade, this time was the peak of me really wanting to be Jamaican. I used to talk in their accent all day, even to the teachers! They would get mad and tell me to talk in my regular voice and I would always reply, “This is my regular voice, mon!”

Fourth grade and I was happy that Kadedra was in my class this year. Everyone was infatuated with Ludacris at that time. I remember I used to bring fruit to the whole class because my father worked at a produce place. This is the year that the SpongeBob Movie had came out, and I don’t know about anyone else, but that was the movie of the year to me. I was in the theatre the first day it came out on November 14th 2004. The hairstyle that all the girls wanted was the individuals. I was really late on that style because I didn’t get my hair done until I got into middle school. I loved this year because I turned ten! I was so ecstatic that my age was now a TWO digit number!

In fifth grade my teacher was Ms. Williams and our classroom was in a portable. I think this was the first time that we started to changing classes, but one teacher taught 3 subjects. The current fad that time were cardigan sweaters, everyone had one. I remember we had to read The Chronicles of Narnia, and everybody loved that book. That was the movie of this year, also. My best friend was Markell Morgan. Again, I had to find someone else since my current best friend was in the other class. Field day was a big thing in elementary school, and it was our year, because Ms. Williams’ class had one. It was the most joyful day, and I still have my ribbon.

Mr. Miller was the coolest teacher I have ever had. Even to this day, no one has been cooler than him. He was like a second father to me, and he kept my mind on the right track. Since I was in 6th grade, it was like we were the upperclassmen. We looked down on everybody, and since it was a small school, everybody knew everybody. Now, this year, I had a new best friend because Kadedra and I had grown apart. His name was Larry Douglas. I think I started to talk to him because he was the new kid. He is still my ‘home dog’ today. 2006 was the best year of my life. Since I felt like I was on top, I started to break out of this shell. I was overwhelmed with raging hormones, and becoming a young lady. This is when my parents started to let me go out more, and I made a true friend this year. The song of this year was Soulja Boy- Superman. The movie was Happy Feet, and the thing that I remember most is my graduation to middle school.

The first day of middle school was nothing like I had expected. I thought that I would be alone, but almost everyone from Delano went to Snowden. Larry went there, too. I had decided to get into as many extra curricular activities that I could, so I could meet new people. I love to run, so I tried out for the track team. When I saw my name on the list, I was estactic. I went to every practice, so excited to be a part of the team, but the work was strenuous. We had to run around the field till the coach said stop, and I think 'stop' was his least favorite word. How could I continue to run? I was a sprinter, not a long distance runner. So of course I would get tired, and it seemed like everytime I would jog, the coach would see me. One day, he got tired of me always jogging, and he kicked me off the team. That was the second time that I ever cried at school. The current fad were the Jordan shoes. That is actually still a fad today.

The year 2000 is a year that is very hard to remember, since it was ten years ago and I was only six. I can vaguely recall my elementary, Delano Optional School, and my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Stepter. Yes, kindergarten was the life. I know it sounds corny, but I actually miss those naptimes, and wanting to draw pictures on the back of all your work. I was the best drawer in the class. I had a best friend, then. His name was Cameron Golden. Cameron and I would spend every ounce of our time together. I remember people thinking that we had a crush on each other, later on; we found out that we actually did. We didn’t really pay that much attention to clothes during that time, but I know my favorite movie was The Iron Giant. The memory that sticks out to me the most is my kindergarten graduation, where I was promoted to the 1st grade. I thought I was grown.
2001 rolled around and I still attended that same school. (I stayed there K-6). I stepped into my first grade classroom with my face greasy, and berets dangled from the ends of my hair. I had on my new princess Reeboks and the socks with the ruffles on them, and I was ready for school. I was glad to see that Cameron was in my class again this year. He made me feel less nervous. But, in elementary, it was easy to talk to people, so I really had nothing to worry about. I can clearly remember everybody singing the songs from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory movie, even though that movie came out way before we were even born. Who knew that six and seven year olds already knew about French kissing? Well, a boy name Darrius Hines taught me, and that is what this year’s nap time was used for. I was surprised to see Ms. Stepter as my first grade teacher, too, but she had got married and changed her name to Ms. Monger. I always liked Stepter better.
(I like how my grade matches the year I was in it.) This is the year I was in second grade, and everybody was obsessed with the movie The Ring. I think it was because it was rated R and we weren’t supposed to watch it, but I don’t know. My teacher was Ms. Baxter, and she was a hefty white lady. It was funny, because she was on a diet, and all she would eat was a raw can of tuna, two pieces of toast, and a mug of black coffee. If you would have seen the size of her, you would know that that was not going to fill her up. The current fad was Keds shoes, and everyone loved Kanye West. This year was kind of bitter sweet because this is when I first got my glasses. Of course, I had to get ridiculed, but that was just something that made me stronger. Second grade is when I finally started talking to girls. I was, and still am, a tomboy, plus I have five brothers, so boys would be the first thing I migrate to, but my best friend was a girl name Kadedra Bolden. We are, actually, still friends to this day. I also remember that I broke my right arm, falling off the jungle gym. The kids would be hanging upside down and flipping off of the bars, and the first time I ever did it, I feel, and landed on my arm. That was the first time I ever cried at school, and the first time I ever cried in front of someone other than my reflection.
I entered third grade thinking I could accomplish anything. I don’t know why, but it was like my whole outlook on life had changed. My teacher was Ms. Elzey, and I was tired of female teachers. They were all old, and treated their students like they were going through menopause every day. I think my new happy-all-the-time attitude attracted girl friends. Kadedra and I were still best friends, but she was in the other third grade class, so I needed someone to fill the void. The girl who filled that hole was Quintishia Wilson. We had a talent show that year, and every girl wanted to perform the songs from the Cheetah Girls movie. It was a Disney movie, and I knew for a fact that everyone in my elementary had seen it, even the boys who said they didn’t! I think that trend then was the girls having the braids with a lot of beads on the end of each one. When I was in third grade, this time was the peak of me really wanting to be Jamaican. I used to talk in their accent all day, even to the teachers! They would get mad and tell me to talk in my regular voice and I would always reply, “This is my regular voice, mon!”
Fourth grade and I was happy that Kadedra was in my class this year. Everyone was infatuated with Ludacris at that time. I remember I used to bring fruit to the whole class because my father worked at a produce place. This is the year that the SpongeBob Movie had came out, and I don’t know about anyone else, but that was the movie of the year to me. I was in the theatre the first day it came out on November 14th 2004. The hairstyle that all the girls wanted was the individuals. I was really late on that style because I didn’t get my hair done until I got into middle school. I loved this year because I turned ten! I was so ecstatic that my age was now a TWO digit number!
In fifth grade my teacher was Ms. Williams and our classroom was in a portable. I think this was the first time that we started to changing classes, but one teacher taught 3 subjects. The current fad that time were cardigan sweaters, everyone had one. I remember we had to read The Chronicles of Narnia, and everybody loved that book. That was the movie of this year, also. My best friend was Markell Morgan. Again, I had to find someone else since my current best friend was in the other class. Field day was a big thing in elementary school, and it was our year, because Ms. Williams’ class had one. It was the most joyful day, and I still have my ribbon.
Mr. Miller was the coolest teacher I have ever had. Even to this day, no one has been cooler than him. He was like a second father to me, and he kept my mind on the right track. Since I was in 6th grade, it was like we were the upperclassmen. We looked down on everybody, and since it was a small school, everybody knew everybody. Now, this year, I had a new best friend because Kadedra and I had grown apart. His name was Larry Douglas. I think I started to talk to him because he was the new kid. He is still my ‘home dog’ today. 2006 was the best year of my life. Since I felt like I was on top, I started to break out of this shell. I was overwhelmed with raging hormones, and becoming a young lady. This is when my parents started to let me go out more, and I made a true friend this year. The song of this year was Soulja Boy- Superman. The movie was Happy Feet, and the thing that I remember most is my graduation to middle school.
The first day of middle school was nothing like I had expected. I thought that I would be alone, but almost everyone from Delano went to Snowden. Larry went there, too. I had decided to get into as many extra curricular activities that I could, so I could meet new people. I love to run, so I tried out for the track team. When I saw my name on the list, I was estactic. I went to every practice, so excited to be a part of the team, but the work was strenuous. We had to run around the field till the coach said stop, and I think 'stop' was his least favorite word. How could I continue to run? I was a sprinter, not a long distance runner. So of course I would get tired, and it seemed like everytime I would jog, the coach would see me. One day, he got tired of me always jogging, and he kicked me off the team. That was the second time that I ever cried at school. The current fad were the Jordan shoes. That is actually still a fad today.
This was the last year in middle school, and my homeroom teacher was Mrs. Mashburn. She had to be the oldest teacher ever. She was so old, and little, that she tripped over someone else's shoelace. The popular hairstyle for girls were the twists/bangs/mohawk style. That had to be the most unique style ever, when I first saw it. i like it so much that every week I went to the beauty shop, I would get the same style. Lil Wayne was really at his peak at this time. People would come to school saying, "Did you hear that new Lil Wayne?" and I was the source of the info because I love him. But now, I am slightly less obssessed. The best thing that happened to me this year would be getting my first cellphone! I loved that thing, and cared for it like a newborn. Man, it was the best.
I could not remember my homeroom teacher's name at all. I can see her face so clearly, but a name never popped up. But I think it was Ms. Elroy, or Ms. Ellaine. My first year in highschool, it was the best. (But it doesn't match to my sixth grade year, which still holds the trophy.) I think I really started looking at boys in a different light. I didn't want them to be my friends, but my BOYfriend. More sooner than later, I would find the boy that would take my heart. His name was Cecil Fulton, a tenth grade heart throb. He was such a bad boy, and he was popular. I wondered why he would want a freshman like me, but I asked no questions. We were only together for 5 months when he transferred to Pyramid. We were both heart broken. But we still talk every once in awhile. There's a huge chance of us getting back together. The popular shoes were the Sperry's. I had only gotten two pair because I really didn't like them that much. The song of the year was Yo Gotti 5 Star Chick. Every girl wanted to be a five star chick, even the two stars.
For 2010, I don't have all of the blocks filled out. My current best friend is Tiquan Pryor and he is also my boy friend. (I needed someone to fill the void.) It's obvious what the current fad is, and that is skinny jeans. The tighter the jeans, the more in style you are. The most popular song is Drake-Over. The thing that I remember most about this year, hasn't happened yet. But if I had to pick a situation, I would say meeting Tiquan was the highlight of this year.
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