This is not a poem, nor a story, I just want you to look at what I go through everyday. First, let me tell you about me.
I'm sixteen years old, and going to be seventeen in December. I am the youngest of six, and I still get treated like I'm a newborn. I have three cats, and one of their names' is Kat. I love Spongebob and Lil Wayne, and I hope to become a Forensic Scientist.
Okay, enough about me, let's get to the matter at hand.
I'm sixteen years old, and going to be seventeen in December. I am the youngest of six, and I still get treated like I'm a newborn. I have three cats, and one of their names' is Kat. I love Spongebob and Lil Wayne, and I hope to become a Forensic Scientist.
Okay, enough about me, let's get to the matter at hand.