A kiss doesn't mean anything
Unless there's substance between
Two faithful human beings.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Amber Part 2
The next day, I woke up feeling like I had to prove something. My head banged from the huge laceration on my skull. I shuffled my way to the bathroom and stared into the mirror.
"This is your day," I encouraged myself. I didn't quite know what I was going to do, I thought to myself as I brushed my teeth, but it had to be drastic. It had to be something demeaning, yet, bloody. Let me stop, because I know I'm starting to sound crazy right about now. I don't want to KILL anyone. I just want to kill those big EGOS that they carry around over their blown up heads.
"This is your day," I encouraged myself. I didn't quite know what I was going to do, I thought to myself as I brushed my teeth, but it had to be drastic. It had to be something demeaning, yet, bloody. Let me stop, because I know I'm starting to sound crazy right about now. I don't want to KILL anyone. I just want to kill those big EGOS that they carry around over their blown up heads.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I'm Through
My headboard rocks as my body creaks with frustration
No tears, but I'll pull out my heart with no hesitation
Cowardly. He's no real man
I thought love and trust went hand in hand
He did it first,
SO mine was just payback
But he made a big deal about what happened way back
No tears, but I'll pull out my heart with no hesitation
Cowardly. He's no real man
I thought love and trust went hand in hand
He did it first,
SO mine was just payback
But he made a big deal about what happened way back
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Till The End Of Time
I give my love for you to take
And pray our souls shall never break
For you I lust and yet admire
Passion burning like a fire
I love him more than life itself
I played my cards shuffled and dealt
If his life shall cease before mine
I'll anxiously wait for my time
You know that I care for you dearly
Love rises from my heart sincerely
Candy hearts and valentine chocolate roses
Consuming love with every dosage
And pray our souls shall never break
For you I lust and yet admire
Passion burning like a fire
I love him more than life itself
I played my cards shuffled and dealt
If his life shall cease before mine
I'll anxiously wait for my time
You know that I care for you dearly
Love rises from my heart sincerely
Candy hearts and valentine chocolate roses
Consuming love with every dosage
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Today is my 1 year anniversary with my fabulous boyfriend, Tiquan Pryor. I never would have thought that I would, or even could, be able to stay with one person for this long. I'm glad that I did though. We've been through so much, and he is so forgiving and perfect. I would just like to take the time to say thank you, and I love you. :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Social Networking Living
Technology. Somewhat a large word, but it has done the damage of a bulldozer. It has ruined some people's lives, and made a life for others. Think, If we had no technology, what would YOU be doing right now ? Not reading this blog.
The worst thing about technology has to be the social networking. The fact that a keyboard has taken the place of actually meeting and greeting. I know people that get online just to see what they're "Internet Girlfriend/Boyfriend" has sent to them. Myspace, Facebook, and the newfound Twitter is wrecking everyone's minds and some reputations.
"Why everytime I'M online, YOU'RE onilne ?" Believe it or not, I have actually heard that statement. It doesn't make sense ! Truely, I want to cut down on using these sites unless I have to. But when will I need to use one ? I really want to cut down on this dependence of technology that every one has. (Although that sounds almost impossible)
I am usually on the internet when I'm bored, then when I get off, I watch t.v. I go from one idiot box to another. Then, if nothing is on television, I simply enjoy my X-Box. I don't know when I became obsessed or overwhelmed with this technology, but I would like to get my life back.
The worst thing about technology has to be the social networking. The fact that a keyboard has taken the place of actually meeting and greeting. I know people that get online just to see what they're "Internet Girlfriend/Boyfriend" has sent to them. Myspace, Facebook, and the newfound Twitter is wrecking everyone's minds and some reputations.
"Why everytime I'M online, YOU'RE onilne ?" Believe it or not, I have actually heard that statement. It doesn't make sense ! Truely, I want to cut down on using these sites unless I have to. But when will I need to use one ? I really want to cut down on this dependence of technology that every one has. (Although that sounds almost impossible)
I am usually on the internet when I'm bored, then when I get off, I watch t.v. I go from one idiot box to another. Then, if nothing is on television, I simply enjoy my X-Box. I don't know when I became obsessed or overwhelmed with this technology, but I would like to get my life back.
Sunday, May 30, 2010

This is not a poem, nor a story, I just want you to look at what I go through everyday. First, let me tell you about me.
I'm sixteen years old, and going to be seventeen in December. I am the youngest of six, and I still get treated like I'm a newborn. I have three cats, and one of their names' is Kat. I love Spongebob and Lil Wayne, and I hope to become a Forensic Scientist.
Okay, enough about me, let's get to the matter at hand.
I'm sixteen years old, and going to be seventeen in December. I am the youngest of six, and I still get treated like I'm a newborn. I have three cats, and one of their names' is Kat. I love Spongebob and Lil Wayne, and I hope to become a Forensic Scientist.
Okay, enough about me, let's get to the matter at hand.
Monday, May 24, 2010
I never thought the day would come that Amber Closey would talk to me. She had to be the prettiest girl at Westcoast High. Cocoa skin, long, golden hair, and a body to die for. She wasn't dumb either. The day she asked me what the homework was, was the best day of my life.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
I Want To Cry, But Where's The Tears?
I stare into the mirror as I sob
Eyes burning, and my heart throbs
With constant pain and despair
Love? Not quite. It's just not there
But I felt so many feelings for him
But he had feelings for them
I thought he was my 'highschool sweetheart'
But he targeted my heart
With a gun and shot it
Eyes burning, and my heart throbs
With constant pain and despair
Love? Not quite. It's just not there
But I felt so many feelings for him
But he had feelings for them
I thought he was my 'highschool sweetheart'
But he targeted my heart
With a gun and shot it
Don't Cry
Eyes swollen with tears
'He' was gone for so many years
How is 'he' going to come back into our life
And fill us with misery and strife
But he tries to act like 'he's' not there
Afraid to show his true feelings of despair
I might seem like I don't care
But I just think it's not fair
Why did 'he' have to choose my dad ?
It tore me up on the inside, bad
Daddy, I love you
I hope you know these words are true
I would die for you
Risk my own life for you
As you cough and choke
With that cancer in your throat
I continuously pray
I look at him and let out a sigh
And whisper, "Daddy, please don't cry."
I wrote this poem August 18th, 2008, and that was the day my father was diagnosed with throat cancer, but now he's doing fine. :)
'He' was gone for so many years
How is 'he' going to come back into our life
And fill us with misery and strife
But he tries to act like 'he's' not there
Afraid to show his true feelings of despair
I might seem like I don't care
But I just think it's not fair
Why did 'he' have to choose my dad ?
It tore me up on the inside, bad
Daddy, I love you
I hope you know these words are true
I would die for you
Risk my own life for you
As you cough and choke
With that cancer in your throat
I continuously pray
I look at him and let out a sigh
And whisper, "Daddy, please don't cry."
I wrote this poem August 18th, 2008, and that was the day my father was diagnosed with throat cancer, but now he's doing fine. :)
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Summer 2010
Okay. So I have decided to keep my blog up over the summer. (Even though this was just a school assignment.) I think since I write poems, and little stories daily on loose leaf paper, I might as well put it on the internet for innocent by-viewers to read it.
I know that I will not be able to post everyday, but I will try to post at list two things every week. Key word TRY, so don't get upset when your weekly fix of 'Ge's Writings' isn't satisfied, just know that I'm trying.
Okay. I think I've stated my business, and now you know my plans. Hopefully, I can keep my promise.
-Jilah :)
Monday, May 3, 2010
10 Years of Awesomeness :)
The year 2000 is a year that is very hard to remember, since it was ten years ago and I was only six. I can vaguely recall my elementary, Delano Optional School, and my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Stepter. Yes, kindergarten was the life. I know it sounds corny, but I actually miss those naptimes, and wanting to draw pictures on the back of all your work. I was the best drawer in the class. I had a best friend, then. His name was Cameron Golden. Cameron and I would spend every ounce of our time together. I remember people thinking that we had a crush on each other, later on; we found out that we actually did. We didn’t really pay that much attention to clothes during that time, but I know my favorite movie was The Iron Giant. The memory that sticks out to me the most is my kindergarten graduation, where I was promoted to the 1st grade. I thought I was grown.
The year 2000 is a year that is very hard to remember, since it was ten years ago and I was only six. I can vaguely recall my elementary, Delano Optional School, and my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Stepter. Yes, kindergarten was the life. I know it sounds corny, but I actually miss those naptimes, and wanting to draw pictures on the back of all your work. I was the best drawer in the class. I had a best friend, then. His name was Cameron Golden. Cameron and I would spend every ounce of our time together. I remember people thinking that we had a crush on each other, later on; we found out that we actually did. We didn’t really pay that much attention to clothes during that time, but I know my favorite movie was The Iron Giant. The memory that sticks out to me the most is my kindergarten graduation, where I was promoted to the 1st grade. I thought I was grown.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Persuit Of Happiness
He sits at his desk, waiting for the man to come in who is trying to receive a job. He wonders what his wife is cooking at home. “I hope she fixes that casserole.” He regains his sense of existence and looks up when the man walks in. He is appalled by his appearance. “There is no way that Boss is going to let him in,” he thinks. He shakes three other people’s hands before he shakes his. The ruggish man says his name was Chris Garner.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
A&P Retelling: Big Tall Goony Goony
The sand was hot under my feet when Laura told Susie and me to come with her to the store. Her parents were going to have a gathering later on that night, and they needed some Herring Snacks. We were too far away from home to go and change, so we were forced to leave with only our bathing suits on. I think Laura liked walking around half naked. I refused, but the persuasion and persistence in her voice, forced both of us to tag along.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Situation: Who Drank My Apple Juice?
It was an early spring morning and the sun forced its way through the drapes of the Girbaud Hotel. A few beams of light cascaded on the glossy wood floor. They raced up the side of Lil Wayne’s bed, and continued their dance on his face. His eyes barely open, he shifted to look at his clock on the nightstand beside his bed. It was nine o’clock. If he didn’t get up now, he’d be late for his show. He hopped out of the bed, and a chill ran up his body that felt like a thousand cactus needles. The floor was ice cold, so he reached under the bed, and grabbed his warm, pink bunny slippers. He slid his feet into his house shoes and shuffled his way to the bathroom. He walked down the hall, passing Odysseus’ and Rosa Parks’ room. They were both still sound asleep. He made it to the bathroom and gently closed the door, careful not to wake his roommates.
Friday, April 16, 2010
One Simile Poem
Up is like down
When the only way is backwards
Tailgating success
But you are stuck in reverse
Thinking you were a born loser
Go directly to jail, do not pass go
You didn't recieve your 200 dollars
Your feet are off the break
And you rewind unwillingly
Liquid sadness coats your face
You cringe at the saltiness on your lip
You're speeding
You reluctantly check your blindspot
A branch bursts through your back window
It pierces your skull
And continues through the winshield
Success turns on its right blinker
As your life slips away
When the only way is backwards
Tailgating success
But you are stuck in reverse
Thinking you were a born loser
Go directly to jail, do not pass go
You didn't recieve your 200 dollars
Your feet are off the break
And you rewind unwillingly
Liquid sadness coats your face
You cringe at the saltiness on your lip
You're speeding
You reluctantly check your blindspot
A branch bursts through your back window
It pierces your skull
And continues through the winshield
Success turns on its right blinker
As your life slips away
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
That Lecture
On my way to school
Staring at the brakelights of an Acura
Mother behind the wheel, speedometer
Friday, April 9, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Checkouts Ge's Alternate Ending
Groceries in hand, he walked cautiously, making sure that every one of his steps would impress her. They silently strolled until they reached their destination. He immediately recognized a pendant that hung from her mirror. It was the Chinese symbol of love. His mind raced. Who could have given it to her? Did she buy it herself? Has her heart already been stolen? She instructed him to put the bags in the backseat, he did. He let her drive away without even getting her name.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
What Am I ? [2 riddles]
Some stare through my window
Looking for a better view
Hanging by a thread
Or two simple arms
Others despise me
They look for an alternative
Masking their traits
With various colors
Proudly sitting on my pedestal
Or sluggishly drooping
I make anyone I meet
World's better
Looking for a better view
Hanging by a thread
Or two simple arms
Others despise me
They look for an alternative
Masking their traits
With various colors
Proudly sitting on my pedestal
Or sluggishly drooping
I make anyone I meet
World's better
Ge's Will
I, Ge Conner, being of sound mind and body, hereby establish my last will and testament. I want to honor my sister, Duawa Conner, to be my executer. I have given her this task because she is responsible, reliable, and intelligent.
Friday, March 19, 2010
What We've Learned
Here are a few questions that my classmates and I have answered. We, then, took away the questions, and these statements are now words of wisdom.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
I Put On For My City
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Ge's Favorite Rap Artists

I would consider myself to be a well-rounded person. I listen to a variety of music, including pop, R&B, and rock. Although I like these genres, I prefer to listen to rap. My top three rappers would be Lil Wayne, Chamilionaire, and B.o.B. They stand out to me because their styles are so different, and I like to characterize myself as different.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Go With The Flow
Playful wind tickles the limbs of Magnolias--
The zephyr pricks my skin
A wisp of air echoed a merry tune in my ear
Slight zig-zags and spirals cascaded around me
Tantalizing my tongue with the taste of honeysuckle
This breeze played more tricks than David Blaine at the Apollo--
Children dotted the landscape--
Sun shone on the little girl's face
Making her glow like a filament
She was the odd one out
She hovered with the breeze
She would jump over the moon and jog to Pluto--
A four leaf clover touches her nose--
As the wind scurries along the bushes
Making everything in its path weightless
The zephyr pricks my skin
A wisp of air echoed a merry tune in my ear
Slight zig-zags and spirals cascaded around me
Tantalizing my tongue with the taste of honeysuckle
This breeze played more tricks than David Blaine at the Apollo--
Children dotted the landscape--
Sun shone on the little girl's face
Making her glow like a filament
She was the odd one out
She hovered with the breeze
She would jump over the moon and jog to Pluto--
A four leaf clover touches her nose--
As the wind scurries along the bushes
Making everything in its path weightless
Thursday, March 11, 2010
When I See You
When I stare into the mirror--
Nothing looks back at me--
It was you--that made me true
And invaded my memories--
You were the one who broke me--
The pieces I still search for--
Your face and grin--Your body's thin
I couldn't have asked for more--
But the next time I see you--
My dreams will be fulfilled--
I'll cut you up-- And end your butt--
Im just keeping it real.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
E. E. Cummings Inspired
over Mind
it happens every twice in a while
heartbeats are the siamese
Of the bubbling of the witches' pot
Bells ring. Hallucinations
Colorless. Blood is black
one, two, three
Choking on the digits
Coughing up blisters
digesting smiles
and excreting rage
just move the antenna
Personal Choice
Lonely Number Love
Love is the loneliest number
When you agree to be
The lightning to his thunder
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Four Random Words
Noun: heathen
Verb: exit
Adjective: mistaken
Wild Card: fasten
"Welcome to the land of Tulsa, Oklahoma, where there are no heathens. This city is so desirable that once you enter, there's no way you will exit. That's what happened to Alex and Jessica. It was 6 years ago today to be exact. A little vacation renewed their lives with just one wrong turn."
Monday, March 1, 2010
Self Interview
1. What is you living situation?
I live in Memphis, TN. North Memphis to be exact. I reside in a 1-story home with my parents, sister, and 3 cats. It is very cozy there because my mother is really big on interior decorating. She let me paint and design my room just how I envisioned it. It has a Spongebob theme.
2. What are the particular challenges in your life?
There are many challenges in my life that I don't want to speak about now. One that is obvious is the simple fact that I am an african american female. In the future, it will be hard to succeed because racism and prejudice is still alive.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
This Is Sparta
Fear drains from the mask of each man
Knowing that the odds are against them
They have chosen their terrain wisely
The words of their leader are as fine as silk
Sheilds up and spears in hand
They are ready
This is their time
One rod flies through the air
Piercing the enemy line
They sit, and wait
Almost taunting the million of heels that pound the dirt
Running towards their awaiting weapons
Its 300 against the world
Who will win ?
Monday, February 22, 2010
The Necklace Alternate Ending
Mme. Loisel glared at her husband in fear and choked, " I-I-I have not Mme. Forestier's necklace!"
He jumped up, frightened--
"What? How? This is not possible!" He paced back and forth. The floorboards squealed with his every step. Mme. Loisel patted her whole body down, although she had no pockets.
"Madam," M. Loisel had the voice of a tenor, "You have to find this necklace." His fear turned into anger. His anger transformed into guilt.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
A Cinquain Poem
Shoved down your throat
Deliciously coated
Peeking through windows. So tempting.
Sweet Treat
Friday, February 12, 2010
Are You As Bored As I Am?
Eyelids hang on threads
Desktops are introduced to heads
This is a life you should not lead
Except if slob is on your mead
Your mouth opens wide
In spite of your mind
Inhale deeply
And stretch freely
You stare at that jumble of numbers
Waiting to hear the bell's thunder
Boredom is a disease
That could be cured by slumber
An Acrostic Poem
AN acrostic poem is a poem that spells out a word in the first letter of each line. In this case, my poem spells out my name.
Judge me not by my appearance, but simply my
Intelligence. As you blend in with the backdrop of
Life, I quietly defy the formality. I guess I'm just
Another alien in disguise.
Hovering over the diseased globe like a
Controlled satellite. My mind is never where I am. I blast
Out of this world into another galaxy awaiting with an open mind. I'm
Next in line to be branded. So I run.
Never looking back. Ten toes to the pavement.
Every pound harmonizes with the beat of my heart. I
Reform into the quiet homosapien that you label as wierd.
My Favorite Journal Entry
If you were to run away, where would you go?
If I were to run away, I'd actually visit two places. First, I would run to New York to visit Lil Wayne in jail. I would tell him to keep his head up and how much I love him. (Pitiful, right?) I would explain to him how the rap game will be so different without him for eight months. After that, I would run to Jamaica. I don't know exactly what part, but I will go there. I want to live there, actually, to gain their accent and experience their culture.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
A tourist came in from Orbitville,
parked over a classroom, and said:
Color speccs dot long sheets of
Planks throughout this chamber.
Some move slightly as their
Leader dictates.
Many quickly glance at a
carton of digits,
Others stare. They stretch open
Fans, and caress each blade.
parked over a classroom, and said:
Color speccs dot long sheets of
Planks throughout this chamber.
Some move slightly as their
Leader dictates.
Many quickly glance at a
carton of digits,
Others stare. They stretch open
Fans, and caress each blade.
Who Am I Poem
Who am I
I am different
Ambitious visions
Creative, gifted
Normal is forbidden
Hop on the bandwagon
I didn't
I go farther
Banging to my own drummer
Travis Barker
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
True-False Quiz About Ge
We had to write a true and false quiz about ourselves and let our peers anwser the them.
1. I have 3 middle names.
2. My favorite rapper is Lil Wayne.
3. I was on Mr. Chuck's show.
4. Spongebob is not my favorite tv show.
5. I like to rap.
6. I've gone bungee jumping.
7. I have 5 brothers and 1 sister.
8. I think MASE is better than Central.
9. I want to live in Jamaica just to pick up the accent.
10. I want to become a Forensic Scientist.
Friday, February 5, 2010
What Does the V Stand For?
Verocious day
When everything is unreal
It makes me sick to my stomach
With the smiles and feels
When everything is unreal
It makes me sick to my stomach
With the smiles and feels
The day when you are soaked in love
And your emotions come out drenched
Ring yourself dry
And throw your dismantled heart in a trench
Vivacious day
When you seem to be filled with goo
When your life is like Barney
You love him, he loves you
Exchange heart chocolates
Hug a big red bear
Get a valentine, pocket it
Caress her. With your fingers in her hair
Valentines Day
A.k.a confusing
Vicious Day
Hating and Loving
The Spirit Of V-Day Fusing
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Look Up. There's A List!
In the sky
There is the biggest list of all
It brings us Winter, Summer
Spring and Fall
Just look up,
The sky seems blue
Squint your eyes
And find a different hue
The sky provides light
Although you think its the sun
But he trys to penetrate
Until the sunrays have won
Who doesn't want to live there?
Up there in the sky?
Fly north in a spaceship
Or on a chariot ride
Clouds clutter the space
Like puffy white cotton balls
Birds chirp and sing
While others call
When the sun sets
The sky has the solution
To get to anyone's heart
As a couple basks in its pollution
There is the biggest list of all
It brings us Winter, Summer
Spring and Fall
Just look up,
The sky seems blue
Squint your eyes
And find a different hue
The sky provides light
Although you think its the sun
But he trys to penetrate
Until the sunrays have won
Who doesn't want to live there?
Up there in the sky?
Fly north in a spaceship
Or on a chariot ride
Clouds clutter the space
Like puffy white cotton balls
Birds chirp and sing
While others call
When the sun sets
The sky has the solution
To get to anyone's heart
As a couple basks in its pollution
26 Letters of Nonsense
Mr. Brame asked to make an alphabet poem. If you notcie, each letter of very word is the next letter in the alphabet.
Actually, Behind Closed Doors
Eggs Fry. Guys Hide In Jail.
Kids Laugh Merrily,
Nonchalantly Opening Presents.
Quietly Running South To Uranus.
Very Wise, eXcept You're Zealous.
Eggs Fry. Guys Hide In Jail.
Kids Laugh Merrily,
Nonchalantly Opening Presents.
Quietly Running South To Uranus.
Very Wise, eXcept You're Zealous.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Above The Influence
We all sat indian-style on the cold ground in my backyard. We formed a circle, knees almost touching. The sun shined bright that day. It felt like a spotlight was on me. The pressure to fit in shoved me into that deadly circle. They were sharks, and I was lonely krill. We were waiting. They were waiting. I squished the seemingly wet grass through my fingers. I nervously looked around. He was back.
The boy stood over the circle, like a game of duck, duck, goose. He took his place next to the girl. They touched lips. From the backyard, I could see the driveway. I was the lookout. The boy pulled a small square box labeled 'cancer sticks' out of his back pocket. The end ignited, a small stream of smoke hovered over the circle like casper. Inhale. Next person. Inhale. Next person. My turn.
My palms were sweaty. All eyes were on me. My mind said no. My body said no. This was completely unsanitary! An ash fell to the dirt. I followed it with my eyes. An ant scurried over it without hesitaion. I heard yelling, rushing me. I licked my lips. Exhale. Next person. I didn't do it. I heard my mom pull up in the drive. Everyone scattered like roaches. The boy and girl skipped through the bushes. I greeted my mother. She asked what was I doing. I replied, "Just living above the influence."
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