Thursday, July 15, 2010

Social Networking Living

Technology. Somewhat a large word, but it has done the damage of a bulldozer. It has ruined some people's lives, and made a life for others. Think, If we had no technology, what would YOU be doing right now ? Not reading this blog.

The worst thing about technology has to be the social networking. The fact that a keyboard has taken the place of actually meeting and greeting. I know people that get online just to see what they're "Internet Girlfriend/Boyfriend" has sent to them. Myspace, Facebook, and the newfound Twitter is wrecking everyone's minds and some reputations.

"Why everytime I'M online, YOU'RE onilne ?" Believe it or not, I have actually heard that statement. It doesn't make sense ! Truely, I want to cut down on using these sites unless I have to. But when will I need to use one ? I really want to cut down on this dependence of technology that every one has. (Although that sounds almost impossible)

I am usually on the internet when I'm bored, then when I get off, I watch t.v. I go from one idiot box to another. Then, if nothing is on television, I simply enjoy my X-Box. I don't know when I became obsessed or overwhelmed with this technology, but I would like to get my life back.